香港耀能協會(本會)承諾遵循香港特別行政區現行頒佈的<個人資料(私隱)條例>規定,處理及儲存您的個人資料,絕不會向第三方出售及/或提供您的個人資料。本會擬使用您的個人資料(姓名、地址、電話、電郵)以作申請處理(包括:通訊及發行收據)、日後聯絡、籌款、研究、宣傳活動/訓練課程或收集意見等推廣用途。未經您的同意,本會不會將您的個人資料用於上述用途。如您不同意,請在以下空格內加上「✓」 號。您有權隨時向本會查詢、更改或要求停止使用您的個人資料作上述推廣用途,費用全免,請於辦公時間致電2527 8978或電郵ho@sahk1963.org.hk與本會職員聯絡。
SAHK shall comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in handling and keeping your personal data. SAHK will not sell and/ or provide your personal data to any third party. SAHK intends to use your personal data (name, address, telephone no. and email) for administering your application (including communication and receipt issuance), future correspondences, fund-raising appeals, undertaking research, promotional activities, training courses, conducting survey or other related promotional purposes. SAHK will not use your personal data for the above purposes unless you give your consent. If you do not agree to the use of your personal data for the above purposes, please indicate by putting a tick in the box below. You have the right to access, correct and request SAHK to stop using your personal data for the above purposes at any time and at no charge by calling 2527 8979 during office hours or by email ho@sahk1963.org.hk
本人已閱讀、了解及接納香港耀能協會有關收集、使用及提供個人資料的通知。I have read, understood and accepted the statement regarding the collection, use and provision of personal data by SAHK.